BlogPittsfield Glow Up Business Improvement Grants 2023

Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. (DPI) and the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation (PERC) have announced the second round of Glow Up! Grant recipients in the city of Pittsfield. The following businesses and property owners have been awarded grant funding for signs, painting, lighting, and improvements to their entryways: Angelina’s Submarine Shop (W. Housatonic St.), Angelina’s Submarine Shop (Dalton Ave.), Berkshire Pipe & Tabacco, Clark Vintage Lighting, Independent Mobility, Insight Holdings II, LLC (Phoenix Theatres), Hotel on North, Otto’s Kitchen & Comfort, Pittsfield Health Food Store, Soda Chef, Thistle and Mirth, property owner GDL Associates (Brothership Building), and property owner Scarafoni Associates (Dunham Block).

Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. and the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation are co-facilitating The Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The program’s purpose is to provide grants of up to $10,000 to eligible businesses affected by COVID-19 within ARPA’s disproportionately impacted district of Pittsfield.

Grant recipients were selected using a grading system that ranked their responses on how COVID-19 impacted their business, on the details of the projects to be funded by the grant, and on the impact the projects would make on their space, keeping in the spirit of “Glowing Up” our community. $100,000 will be distributed in this second round of Glow Up! Grants.

“Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. is pleased to be working with the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation (PERC) on The Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program,” says Rebecca Brien, Managing Director of Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. “Thanks to ARPA funding provided by the City of Pittsfield, we are able to help small businesses on projects that the struggles of the past few years made impossible. This program can help with that fresh coat of paint; a new, easy to see sign; or lighting in a spruced-up entryway. We want to see our city become the bright, beautiful, and vibrant district we know it can be!”

Any grant-related questions may be directed to Rebecca Brien, Managing Director of Downtown Pittsfield, Inc., at 413-443-6501 or



Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. and the Pittsfield Economic Revitalization Corporation (PERC) are co-facilitating a SECOND ROUND of The Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The program’s purpose is to provide grants of up to $10,000 to eligible businesses affected by COVID-19 within ARPA’s disproportionately impacted district of Pittsfield. The grant funds are for physical improvements that will enhance the experience of foot traffic and create a visual vibrancy in the district.

Grant recipients will be selected using a grading system that ranks their responses on how COVID-19 impacted their business, on the details of the projects to be funded by the grant, and on the impact the projects will make on their space, keeping in the spirit of “Glowing Up” our community.

Small businesses owned by low- to moderate-income individuals, women, minorities, immigrants, non-native English speakers, U.S. military veterans, disabled individuals, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged to apply.

Before applying, businesses must verify that their location falls within the highlighted areas of the map for the disproportionately impacted district of Pittsfield. Businesses that fall within any of the three highlighted areas on the map are included: 9001 – Downtown, 9002 – Morningside, and 9006 – Westside.

Application Opens 11/1/23
Application Due 2/4/24 at 11:59 pm
Awardees Announced 3/31/24

The first round of The Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program was very competitive. If you were not selected, you are encouraged to reapply!

Businesses that received funds in the first round are not eligible to reapply, but property owners can apply for different locations.

Key points to improve your future application: 

Confirm your business is qualified and located in the eligible district
(See the map for the disproportionately impacted district of Pittsfield. Businesses that fall within any of the three highlighted areas on the map are included: 9001 – Downtown, 9002 – Morningside, and 9006 – Westside.)

Request funding for projects that are applicable for this grant

Answer all questions completely and with details

Provide the required pictures

Pittsfield Glow Up! Business Improvement Grant Program

Eligibility Requirements

  • Located in the disproportionately impacted district of Pittsfield, MA
  • For-profit business
  • In operation since January 2021
  • Permissions granted by landlord or property owner
  • Good standing with state and city
    • Current on taxes
    • Have valid state licenses and local permits
    • Have no legal judgments or ligation involving the state or city
    • Have no unresolved non-compliance status for previous assistance

Eligible Uses of Grant Funding

  • Painting (interior and exterior)
  • Signage (building or blade)
  • Lighting Improvements (exterior or window)
  • Flooring Replacement
  • Entryway Upgrades
  • Windows (replacement, washing)
  • Awnings (new or replacements)
  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Select Interior Improvements or Repairs (Note that furniture, fixtures, and equipment are not eligible)

Details of Grant Funding

  • Grant administered by reimbursement or two-party check
  • Invoices submitted for payment must be dated after the grant agreement date
  • Must comply with zoning regulations and ordinances
  • Must be aligned with the city’s design guidelines for storefront improvements
  • Grant must be used within 6 months of being awarded

Business Exclusion

Funds from this program may not be used for:

  • General Promotion
  • Franchises
  • Real Estate
  • Cannabis-related business
  • Liquor Stores
  • Weapons or Firearms Dealers
  • Professional Sports Teams
  • Privately owned recreation facilities
  • Acquisition of land or property

Application Procedure

  • First round application of intent due by Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 11:59 pm. To include:
    • Description of proposed improvements
    • Photos of the existing façade
    • Narrative of COVID-19 impact on business
  • DPI to review initial application of intent for complete information, general eligibility, and scope
  • PERC to administer program by confirming eligibility and approving simple applications
  • Expanded application will be required to include:
    • Proposed styles for improvements such as lighting and/or signage and color scheme
    • Cost and identification of all required permits, including documentation of permits which have already been received
    • Total cost estimates from a licensed contractor. Design costs and permit fees may be included.
    • A schedule for the proposed work to be completed.
  • During the application review process, the City of Pittsfield will verify that all municipal fees and real estate taxes are paid up to date.
  • All proposed work must be reviewed and approved by the program design review committee. Funds awarded for projects not commencing within six months of the date of award may be reallocated to other projects.


Any grant-related questions may be directed to Rebecca Brien, Managing Director of Downtown Pittsfield, Inc., at 413-443-6501 or


Application Opens 11/1/23
Application Due 2/4/24 at 11:59 pm
Awardees Announced 3/31/24

Click here to complete the Glow Up! Grant Application Online via Google Forms.

Click here to download a PDF of the Glow Up! Grant Application!

Click here for a printable PDF of the information on this page.

ARPA Disproportionately Impacted District of Pittsfield