LOVE PITTSFIELD downtown & beyond 2025-2026 Guide Advertising Contract

Questions? Contact Arri


2025-2026 Guide Advertising Contract Pricing Pittsfield MA


Please submit payment upon successful completion of this online contract.

Checks should be made payable to Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. and mailed to

Downtown Pittsfield, Inc.
431 North Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201

No ads will be reserved without successful payment (payment of Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. Membership Dues for 2025 AND payment for advertising in the Guide). No exceptions.

A quarterly payment option is available, contact Arri at



Contract submission and payment are due Friday, February 14, 2025.

Final ads and enhanced listings are due on or before Friday, March 7, 2025.

"LOVE PITTSFIELD downtown & beyond" 2025-2026 Guide Advertising Contract
(How it will appear in the Guide)
(How it will appear in the Guide)
(How it will appear in the Guide)
(How it will appear in the Guide)
(How best to reach you about your listing/ad)
(How best to reach you about your listing/ad)
(How best to reach you about your listing/ad)
The Enhanced Listing is an additional paid feature. Please select below and submit appropriate payment.
No ads will be reserved without payment. No exceptions. Pay online or mail payment to Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. 431 North Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201. Ad reservation and payment must be received by Friday, February 14, 2025. Final ads are due on or before Friday, March 7, 2025. We accept only high resolution (300 dpi) electronic files, set to Press Quality PDF, fonts embedded, CMYK. Send ad files to
Submission of this contract authorizes Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. (DPI) to place an ad/listing in the "LOVE PITTSFIELD downtown & beyond" 2025-2026 Guide for the cost indicated. Payment is due at time of contract submission. If payment is not received by Friday, February 14, 2025, DPI reserves the right to remove the ad/listing from the Guide. Final ads are due on or before Friday, March 7, 2025. It is the responsibility of the member advertiser submitting this contract to design, create, and submit a final ad in the correct size and format by March 7th. Advertisers assume all responsibility for the content of their listing/ads, including all claims made. DPI reserves the right to refuse any advertising.

The LOVE PITTSFIELD downtown & beyond 2025-2026 Guide is a collaboration between Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. (DPI) and the City of Pittsfield’s Office of Cultural Development.